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    Entries by John DiNicola (489)


    'The Expendables 2' Officially Rated R

    Well after much tossing and turning over if the film would be rated R or PG-13 (I've probably read at least four different stories over the past six months claiming the film would be going in one direction then changing back the other way), the MPAA has officially given an R rating to The Expendables 2 for "strong action and bloody violence throughout, and some language." 

    Notably, there's nothing about strong language in there so I guess Chuck Norris won out on that one.

    Anyway, with the film hitting theaters in less than a month (August 17th), expect to start seeing a lot of the all-star cast hitting the press tour promoting the film.

    I for one am psyched to see Schwarzenegger and Van Damme actually talking up a movie that's going to be in theaters (who would have thought it have taken them this long to make it back?).

    The film's official synopsis is listed below:

    In The Expendables 2, Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone), Lee Christmas (Jason Statham), Yin Yang (Jet Li), Gunnar Jensen (Dolph Lundgren), Toll Road (Randy Couture) and Hale Caesar (Terry Crews) -- with newest members Billy the Kid (Liam Hemsworth) and Maggie (Yu Nan) aboard -- are reunited when Mr. Church (Bruce Willis) enlists the Expendables to take on a seemingly simple job. The task looks like an easy paycheck for Barney and his band of old-school mercenaries. But when things go wrong and one of their own is viciously killed, the Expendables are compelled to seek revenge in hostile territory where the odds are stacked against them. Hell-bent on payback, the crew cuts a swath of destruction through opposing forces, wreaking havoc and shutting down an unexpected threat in the nick of time - six pounds of weapons-grade plutonium; enough to change the balance of power in the world. But that's nothing compared to the justice they serve against the villainous adversary who savagely murdered their brother.


    Christian Bale Visits Victims of Aurora Theater Shooting

    It's in times of tragedy that the best in people always seems to come out.

    In the case of the recent mass shooting in Aurora, CO, that sentiment has been none the more true.

    From an extended trip by President Obama, to an already $2 million raised in donations, to now a visit by none other than Batman himself, Christian Bale, this horrific event has brought out the genuine good in others.

    First reported by the Denver Post, Bale reportedly spent around 2 1/2 hours at the Medical Center of Aurora, paying visit to seven patients who were injured in the shooting during a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises this past Friday.  Accompanied by his wife, he also met with several doctors, police officers, and EMTs who were first responders on the scene.

    Governor John Hickenlooper also spent some time speaking with Bale.

    When the actor first reached out to the medical center to inquire about his visit, he asked only that the media not be notified.

    Warner Bros. - the studio behind The Dark Knight Rises - had this to say:

    "Mr. Bale is there as himself, not representing Warner Brothers."

    Class act Mr. Bale, class act.

    Source: Denver Post


    A Statement on the Tragedy in Colorado

    I can only hope I have earned the right to state this, but on behalf on the entire staff here at Think McFly Think, we would like to extend our deepest condolences for the victims and their families involved in the tragic movie theater shooting this morning in Aurora, CO.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


    An Op-Ed Piece: A Response to 'The Dark Knight Rises' Reviews

    This little story has been bugging me for the past 48 hours - especially since this morning when I saw Rotten Tomatoes shut down its comments section for The Dark Knight Rises when film critics who gave "rotten" reviews started receiving both death and rape threats - and I wanted to put my two cents out there for you guys to read, so here it goes:

    If you haven't noticed by now, The Dark Knight Rises - while getting very good reviews (great reviews actually considering it's not only the third entry in a film series but also the third in a comic book film series, period - is not getting the outstanding and universal acclaim it's predecessor - The Dark Knight - received back in 2008.

    Currently, as I write this piece, TDKR sits at an 86% rating on RT (123 reviews; 106 positive, 17 negative) which by all accounts is pretty dam good.  However, many are making note of the fact that Christopher Nolan's second film in his Batman trilogy, TDK, had a final rating of 94% on RT (282 reviews; 264 positive, only 18 negative total).

    While many have been making a fuss over this (seriously, browse through some message boards and you'll see fanboys are freaking out who haven't even seen the film yet), and I want to provide both a logical and rational reason behind this.

    When TDK opened back in 2008, the hype behind it was extraordinary.  Mostly due to the fact of the late Heath Ledger's death, the film became a cultural and cinematic landmark; a movie that not only transcended the comic book genre, but also any genre film period.  It earned phenomenal critical reviews, was adored by the masses, and oh yeah, made over $1 billion at the box office.  Not to mention, it forced the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to expand their Best Picture category from 5 to 10 nominees after many felt the film was snubbed of a nomination that year.

    Even though all these accolades were nothing short of well deserved, you have to understand the reality of the film by taking into account its predecessor.

    2005's Batman Begins - without a doubt a solid, well-made film - was nowhere near as well received nor as good as its successor, TDK, would be.  It was the return of Batman on film after the disastrous Batman & Robin in 1997, and to many was thought of as a job well done after such a bad taste left in moviegoers mouths just eight years prior (for those wondering, BB earned a 85% rating on RT; 261 reviews with 222 positive and 39 negative).

    Therefore, TDK - as great as it was - was almost certain to be given better reviews by default, as it would be compared - subconsciously or not - to its predecessor, BB.

    This is exactly what the issue is with TDKR.

    It has both the blessing and the curse of being the final chapter in Christopher Nolan's trilogy preceded by TDK, a film that is not only considered the best comic book movie ever made but also one of the best movies in our past decade.  The expectations are at such a high level they are almost impossible to meet.

    This is what I am getting at.  Of course TDKR is going to be less well received than TDK, it has to follow in its footsteps.  I am not at all saying TDKR is going to be a lesser film (I feel it will be a greater one) but critics and viewers alike who see it are going to do nothing but compare it to TDK by default, just like they did with BB.  It's just the reality of the human mind.

    Put it this way, if TDKR was following up BB, don't you think the reviews would be more positive?  Exactly.

    Here's what I think and feel is going to happen: at first, many are going to say they liked TDKR, but didn't think it was as good as TDK.  They're going to say Bane was no Joker, the movie didn't have the magic, whatever.  But over and in time, this last entry in the trilogy will become regarded as the better, more engrossing film.  It will be watched and re-watched over and over again, and as years pass, the cultural wave that made TDK so successful will fade, and it will be realized that The Dark Knight Rises, is the superior and fittingly, final film, in Christopher Nolan's Batman Trilogy.

    Thank you very much.


    He's Back! Thomas Jane as The Punisher!

    Even though it's hard to believe 8 years have passed since Thomas Jane starred in 2004's The Punisher, one thing that can be taken away from the film - whether you like it or not - is that Jane kicked ass in the role.  The man put his heart and soul into the film and it's a shame he never got a chance to do it again...or does he?

    Over the weekend at this year's Comic-Con in San Diego, Jane got to debut his own personal fan-made short film, entitled Dirty Laundry, in which he reprises his role of Frank Castle AKA The Punisher (though he's never referred to either by name and you don't truly get confirmation until the last few seconds).

    I must say, if Marvel were smart, they would do a TV show with Jane as the star through say AMC (hey they did Comic Book Men, why not The Punisher?) or HBO.

    That would be awesome.


    First Trailer for 'Oz the Great and Powerful'

    I'm not gonna lie, even though I think Sam Raimi's first choice for Oz (Robert Downey Jr.) or his second choice (Johnny Depp) would have been much better than James Franco, this thing actually looks pretty dam good.

    For those who aren't familiar, Oz the Great and Powerful - serving as a prequel to the all-time classic, The Wizard of Oz - tells the story of the dubious wizard (Franco) from a small, traveling circus who gets transported to the land of Oz and drawn into a battle between three witches (Theodora, Evanora, and Glinda), to be played by Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz, and Michelle Williams, respectively.

    Disney’s fantastical adventure “Oz The Great and Powerful,” directed by Sam Raimi, imagines the origins of L. Frank Baum’s beloved character, the Wizard of Oz. When Oscar Diggs (James Franco), a small-time circus magician with dubious ethics, is hurled away from dusty Kansas to the vibrant Land of Oz, he thinks he’s hit the jackpot—fame and fortune are his for the taking—that is until he meets three witches, Theodora (Mila Kunis), Evanora (Rachel Weisz) and Glinda (Michelle Williams), who are not convinced he is the great wizard everyone’s been expecting. Reluctantly drawn into the epic problems facing the Land of Oz and its inhabitants, Oscar must find out who is good and who is evil before it is too late. Putting his magical arts to use through illusion, ingenuity—and even a bit of wizardry—Oscar transforms himself not only into the great and powerful Wizard of Oz but into a better man as well.

    “Oz The Great and Powerful” is produced by Joe Roth and written by Mitchell Kapner and David Lindsay-Abaire (credit not final). Grant Curtis, Philip Steuer and Palak Patel are serving as executive producers. “Oz The Great and Powerful” opens in U.S. theaters on March 8, 2013.


    Really? Another Writer for 'Ghostbusters 3'

    Another day, another news story about the development hell that is Ghostbusters 3.

    Word comes today that Etan Cohen (Tropic Thunder, MIB 3) - not to be confused with Ethan Cohen of the Cohen Bros. - has come aboard to do a rewrite for the the long, long, long in-development three-quel to the 1984 original classic.

    This comes hot on the heels of Dan Aykroyd's comments last week that a new writer was being brought on to re-work the script, which has previously been drafted by Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky of TV's The Office.

    I'm all for doing something right, but common at this point.  This film has been in the writing process for well over a decade now, maybe more than that.  Obviously there's a bigger issue here *cough..Bill Murray..cough* then just the script.  And really, if this thing doesn't turn out at least half as good as the original (it'll be lucky enough to get made by now), then all that hard work for rewrites and such will have been for nothing.

    Oh and for those who have been living under a rock for the past 10 years and not know the premise of the film, Ghostbusters 3 is expected to bring back together the original cast of Harold Ramis, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson handing off the torch to a new generation.



    13-Minute TV Special for 'The Dark Knight Rises'

    I'm not sure what channel or program this is for but Warner Bros. has released a pretty detailed behind-the-scenes look at a little indie film called The Dark Knight Rises.

    Nothing seems too spoiler-ish about this movie from the footage shown but it definitely gives those few interested in seeing it a great idea of what to look forward to:

    Had to look this one up but apparently the film opens in less than two weeks, July 20th.

    Hmm...seems they have quite a cast too.

    Oh and for those who haven't realized it by now, I'm being sarcastic.


    Trilogy Planned for 'The Amazing Spider-Man'

    Even though it's considered a forgone conclusion with major comic book movie properties these days, Sony Pictures seems to have confirmed The Amazing Spider-Man will be the first in a trilogy of films.

    Via the film's official Facebook page (yes, seems shady but the page is run by the studio), the following was posted on Monday:

    "It's finally here! The Amazing Spider-Man is the first installment in a movie TRILOGY that will explore how our fave hero's journey was shaped by the disappearance of his parents."

    I must say, even though I thought Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Marc Webb, and pretty much the entire cast and crew did a fine job (except that one actor, Irrfan Khan; I couldn't understand a clear word of English that came out of that man's mouth), I couldn't help but feel the film was nothing more than "average."  There was just nothing AMAZING about the movie.  If I had to put my finger on it, it just didn't have the HEART of the original Spider-Man, and as Pete pointed out, Sony really wanted this to be their Batman Begins, but ended up with Superman Returns.  However, because this film will probably be more than profitable, we'll end up getting a 2nd - and most likely 3rd - film in this series.  Even though it really doesn't garner one.

    Oh well.  I guess we'll just have to wait until 2022, when Sony might finally get tired of making Spider-Man films and let the rights revert back to Marvel Studios and Disney.

    Probably not though.

    Source: Facebook


    Trailer for Reissue of Original 'Total Recall'

    Has it really been over two decades since Total Recall came out?


    I remember when I was a kid at my friend's house and his older brother wouldn't let us watch it because it wasn't "a movie for kids."  Guess what?  Going on 22 years later and it still ain't "a movie for kids!"

    Anyway, with the release of the remake coming out next month (which looks pretty decent, I'll give it that) comes a trailer for the new, director approved transfer of the original Arnold Schwarzenegger/Paul Verhoeven sci-fi classic; out on Blu-ray July 31st.

    The film will be given a limited theatrical run for the new transfer, but only in the UK (dam you U.S. theater chains!).

    I've tried to stay away from purchasing Blu-rays lately, but this is one I might actually dish out the money for (depending on the reviews; you never know how good transfers of older films will be these days).

    By the way, I don't care how much better an actor Colin Farrell is, he'll never top Schwarzenegger in the one-liners department.

    Specs for the newest Blu-ray edition listed below:

    "Quaid (Schwarzenegger) [is] a construction worker haunted by dreams of Mars in the year 2084. Against the wishes of his sexy wife (Sharon Stone, Basic Instinct), Quaid goes to Rekall, a company that implants artificial memories so he can 'remember' visiting the red planet that is now being settled by human inhabitants. However, Quaid soon learns he is actually an amnesiac secret agent from Mars - or is he?"

    Lionsgate's Blu-ray presents the film in its original aspect ratio of 1.85:1 with a 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio track. The disc also contains the following supplements:

    • Interview with Paul Verhoeven
    • Restoration comparison looking at the high-definition transfer from the original film negative
    • Behind-the-scenes featurettes:
      • Models and Skeletons: The Special Effects Of Total Recall
      • Imagining Total Recall
      • Making-of featurette
    • Audio commentary with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Paul Verhoeven
    • Photo gallery
    • Trailer
