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« Comic-Con Trailer: "Fear The Walking Dead" | Main | Comic-Con Trailer: "The Walking Dead - Season 6" »

Comic-Con Trailer: "Scream" The TV Series 

Get a glimpse at what’s to come on Scream from this brand new trailer from San Diego Comic Con 2015. Airing every Tuesday at 10/9c on MTV.

“Scream the TV Series” stars Bex Taylor-Klaus, Willa Fitzgerald, John Karna, Connor Weil and Amadeus Serafini. For a Good Time Call… helmer Jamie Travis directs the pilot. In it, after a cyber-bullying incident results in a brutal murder, the shocking violence stirs up memories of a killing spree from the past that has haunted some, intrigued others and maybe just inspired a new killer. A group of teens – with two old friends struggling to reconnect at its heart – become lovers, enemies, suspects, targets and victims of a killer who’s out for blood.


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