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I Can't Buy Yuengling Beer In Boston; Now I Can't Buy Their Ice Cream Either

Any time I am cruising through New Jersey on my way to some place else I always make it a point to stop and pick up some Yuengling beer. The amber lager is like no other and in an area where Sam Adams, Bud Light, and Micro-Brews rule, Yuengling is something different. Pronounced Ying-Ling, the oldest opearting brewing company in the United States apparently also made ice cream at one point. What?

The company began selling ice cream during the inception of prohibition and now after an absence of 30 years they are back in your local freezer section in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware and New Jersey. Of course not Boston, just like the beer. Thanks for nothing guys.

For those who do have the luxury of experiencing 10 different flavors of Yuengling ice cream including "Black and Tan" and "Chocolate Marshmallow".


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