Conan O' Brien Can't Stop

In June of 2009 Conan O' Brien became the new host of the longest running franchise in history, The Tonight Show. Seven months later he departed from the show. His reason for leaving was simple; Jay Leno's new post-retirement show was being bumped into his time slot and The Tonight Showfor the first time ever would air at 12:05AM the following day. Conan refused to be the first host of the tonight show to host it the day after. Subsequently Conan left with a large settlement and Leno returned his huge ass chin to The Tonight Show.
As part of the agreement made with NBC in his settlement, Conan was prohibited from appearing on tv and radio in any capacity for the following six months. The decision to do a nation wide tour was first announce on his twitter account in March of 2010, the tour was to be called "The Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television Tour". Following the exploits and the behind the scenes of the tour was documentary filmmaker Rodman Flender. The documentary Conan O' Brien Can't Stop shows a side of Conan the publics never seen. Behind all the funny impressions and silly jokes on tv there's a real person who was burned badly by his own peers, whom he respected and worked with for over 15 years.
Following Conan on his tour and giveing perspective to who he really is was actually a lot funnier than I'd expected. He can be an asshole just like the rest of us, but unlike most people he really is that one guy that'll do anything for anyone. Getting the uncensored Conan was a refreshing take on his persona. Jokes involving everything from his backup singers to the ridiculous groupie fans he encounters were crude and unexpected, but so damn funny it made being an asshole look like a good time.
The film follows Conan on his journey back to center stage. In between the segments involving the tour was Conans home life and the relationship with his friends and writers. By the end of the tour he's physically and mentally exhausted, but it's clear he's come full circle. Only weeks after ending his tour he began work on his new show, Conan for TBS.
For long time fans of CoCo this film is a must see. Watching Conan in his truest raw form uncensored by television is the funniest I've ever seen him. Even casual fans and people only mildly familiar with him should be able to enjoy the ride just as much if not more. Unlike most documentaries, it never slows down or gets boring, the pace is fast moving but covers everything it set out to do. Most importantly giving the fans what they want, Conan doing what he does best, entertaining.
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