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A Team (2010)

The A Team is based on the popular 80's TV series of the same. But for those of you who haven't seen the show. The premise is about four American military rangers screwed over by their own government, and then forced into exile after they help one another escape from various maximum security prisons around the world. They then seek revenge, naturally, on the bastards specifically responsible for ruining their reputations.

Liam Neeson leads the group, Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith a seasoned war vet who always has a plan. Bradley Cooper is the smooth talking ladies man lieutenant Templeton “Face” Peck, yes that's really his name. Sharlto Copley is the hilarious Looney tunes Captain H.M. Murdock, a pilot that can fly anything... even a tank. Quinton “Rampage” Jackson takes on the role of B.A. Baracus from Mr T best known for the role, and his catch phrase "I pity the fool". The acting from the main cast was on par with the story. The dialogue was almost always cheesy, but it worked nicely coming this group of actors.

The first 15 minutes are used to quickly establish somewhat of an origin for the team, and how they came to know one another and work together. Once we get that out of the way let the cheese and senseless action begin. After being set up by their own government upon completion of a covert operation they were ordered to do. They are sent to different maximum security prisons throughout the world. Not to worry the the same guys that put them in their will oddly enough be helping them to break out.

The plot revolves around a scandal within the CIA involving US currency printing plates, and the General believed to have ordered the mission to retrieve them from Saddam Hussein. After escaping from prison they set out to find the corrupt CIA operative that screwed them over, but they're also being chased by the Department of Defense as Federal Fugitives.

The story sounds simple and even generic when described, but with out spoiling anything for anyone The A Team is always two steps ahead of everyone else. The clever plan executed in the climax, and the action leading up to it were actually very impressive.

The action scenes, and there were plenty, were fun. The scene where they attempt to fly a tank after dropping from the plane they were in that blew up was great. But not nearly the best sequence of the film. The Spider-Man franchise could learn a thing or two from them about a falling action scene, you'll know what I mean when you see it.

Even with all the cheesy dialogue and plot holes The A Team was a really fun popcorn flick.

I'm giving it an overall 6.5/10

Reader Comments (5)

This is seriously my favorite movie of the summer so far. (and it was my favorite TV show as a kid too)

06-13-2010 | Registered CommenterJen Mayhew

Maybe you should do a review as well Jen. Sounds like you enjoyed it more than I did. Not that I didn't like it, but it's not my favorite film this year.

06-13-2010 | Registered CommenterMitch Anderson

This movie was awesome! I have to agree with Jen here, this is easily the best movie so far this year that I've seen. I loved the show, and this felt like an updated version of that more than anything.

06-14-2010 | Unregistered CommenterDave

Great action movie, but not the best this year. I think Iron Man 2 was better.

06-14-2010 | Unregistered CommenterSteve-O

I fuckin loved this movie!!! best movie I;ve seen in a long time. This kicked the shit right out of the losers, I don't even get everyones comparisons. I give this a 9/10

06-14-2010 | Unregistered CommenterShane

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