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    New 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' Trailer

    The new Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer has been released just in time for the holiday moviegoing season. Take a look:

    My first impressions?

    While I really like what they seem do be doing with both Ben Affleck's portrayal of Bruce Wayne/Batman and Jesse Eisenberg's take on Lex Luthor, I can't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the heavy use of CGI throughout the trailer, especially towards the end.

    I get it, it's a comic book film involving Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and what's going to be a slew of other superheroes and villains, so you can't exactly go 100% real and practical with this stuff. But here's the thing though: ask the 50% of people who didn't like Man of Steel and I bet their chief complaint would be the over-the-top, if not excessive use of special effects in that film, also especially towards the end.

    Don't think I have a point? Ask those who didn't like Avengers: Age of Ultron and I'm sure most would cite that film's CGI heavy reliance as well.

    The general, casual moviegoer (not the person who watches and pays attention to comic book movies and nothing else) does not like watching a film where they feel like they're viewing a video game. If you're supposed to care about the characters played by real people in the movie, it's difficult to do when it looks as if most of the action was created in front of a green screen and on a computer.

    I know I'm basing this all off a three-minute trailer, but that's because we've already seen what the director behind this film, Zack Snyder, did with Man of Steel, and to even more of an extent, with 300. Snyder's been my biggest reservation about this project since it was announced. To me, he's more of a director of movies, not films.

    Case in point: George Miller, Mad Max: Fury Road. One of the best films of this year with many citing it's practical action caught on camera.

    Anyway, we'll see if I'm wrong come this spring. I'm still excited for this though.

    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opens March 25th, 2016.

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