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    The Pope Apparently Thought UNBROKEN Was Cool; Didn't See It.


    Making her rounds promoting her inspiration World War II drama, Lara Croft met with Pope Francis after a Vatican screening of UNBROKEN which opens at the end of the month in Italian cinemas.

    The Vatican said Jolie, accompanied by daughters Shiloh and Zahara and by Zamperini’s son, Luke Zamperini, attended the screening at the Pontifical Academy for Sciences for high-ranking Vatican prelates.

    Among all religions, it can be said the Catholic Church has some of the most interesting tastes in film as released on their 'List of Films' from 1995, which can be read here  but should really be updated to include Man of Steel if we're being honest. 

    Unfortunatley, Pope Francis did not see the film; but apparently thought it was a cool idea:

    The Pontiff did not see the film, but met with Jolie in private shortly after the screening and was reportedly interested in the uplifting spiritual message of the pic in which Zamperini gets over post-traumatic stress thanks to his faith.

    Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said the film shows “positive human and spiritual values, in particular forgiveness.”

    Jolie also released a statement about the visit:

    "Being invited with my film to the Vatican is an honor and a great tribute to the story that I have told in Unbroken. The story of the hero Louis a great example of strength and forgiveness."

    UNBROKEN is now playing nationwide. 

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