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Ant-Man Poster Revealed

Marvel kicked off their SDCC exclusives yesterday with this fantastic poster for next years Ant-Man. From the small sized figure growing into a giant man and him riding a fly you get a great scope of the characters abilities once inside the suit. It's a nice touch to see Micheal Douglas and Paul Rudd in the background as they'll be playing the two most recognized versions of Ant-Man, Hank Pym and Scott Lang.

It was a huge disappointment when Edgar Wright decided to part ways with the project after he'd worked to develop the film for so long. Peyton Reed will be stepping in to helm the directors chair Marvel is sticking to a director closely related to comedies. Since Comic-Con is just beginning there should be much more information released to get a good idea of what to expect from the film.

Even with Wright's departure the movie is set for release on July 15th next year.

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