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    From the Official Facebook Page of Universal's wildly successful Jurassic Park, the 1993 film directed by Steven Spielberg that went on to spawn The Lost World: Jurassic Park, and Jurassic Park III along with endless video-games, toys, and memorabilia, it's been announced that the forthcoming sequel will be titled Jurassic World, and you should expect it to drop in 3D on June 12, 2015. 


    Universal Pictures will release JURASSIC WORLD in 3D on Friday, June 12, 2015.

    The Colin Trevorrow film, which was supposed to drop next summer, was almost cancelled, brought back, and been through quite a loop; but now it seems JP fans from all over can find solace knowing the film is picking up pace, and casting and concrete plot details should soon follow. 

    Jurassic World will be written by Rise of the Planet of the Apes duo Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver.

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