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    When Michael Bay Gives You The Look...FIRST Official Set Pic From TRANSFORMERS 4


    When Michael Bay gives you the look, your wallett better bend over, and you better make up some new mean things to say on your message boards, because when Bay has that gleam in his eye, you know he's about to purchase 6 more mansions, and probably BUY the city of Detroit to use a set-piece to be fully demolished in Transformers 5.

    The very first "official" picture of the set and cast from the upcoming summer blockbuster, Transformers 4 comes by way of Michael Bay's official site and shows stars Mark Wahlberg (2 Guns, Max Payne) and Jack Reynor (making his "major" debut) ontop of like a Cybertronian pyramid or some shit, with a bunch of camera guys and Michael "Fucker of Childhoods" Bay staring in awe at the Bayhem he's about to cause below.

    Just Another Day On The Set of Transformers 4

    Pictured left to right: Jack Reynor; Mark Wahlberg; 2nd Assistant B-Camera Casey “Walrus” Howard; 1st Assistant B-Camera John Kairis with back to camera; B-camera Operator Lukasz Bielan; Director Michael Bay; and Director of Photography Amir Mokri.

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