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    The Math Doesn't Lie: Why Warner Bros. Wants Bale Back for Batman

    It's a story that just won't die.

    Since it was announced that Batman would be showing up in Man of Steel 2 - and even long before that - rumors swirled that Warner Bros. would be backing up a BRINKS truck to Christian Bale's house in hopes he'll agree to appear in their superhero team-up film.

    Many credible and respectable movie websites (specifically Batman-On-Film), have stated Bale rejected their offer many months ago and that he has no interest in coming back as the Dark Knight unless Christopher Nolan is the man behind the camera.  Basically, he won't return because Chris Nolan said their story is finished.

    Numbers have ranged anywhere from $50-60 million flat that WB is offering Bale to come back, and many might think, "Well why?  The film will sell regardless if Bale is Batman."  True, but here's the reality of the situation:

    Let's say Bale doesn't come back - which for all intensive purposes is pretty likely to happen - how much is this Batman vs. Superman film looking to make worldwide if a guy like Josh Brolin plays the Caped Crusader?  I'd be willing to bet at the minimum, $800 million.  Not bad, not at all, but for a film teaming up two of the most famous superheros of all-time, that's pretty disappointing.  At most - and this obviously depends on the quality of the film and how much audiences like it - I'd say a cool $1.5 billion, tops.  That's a lot of cash, enough for Warner Bros. to think, "Job well done."

    Here though, is where the pink elephant in the room shows his face.

    Hypothetically speaking, WB offers Bale an even $100 million for this film and he just can't say no, especially when it guarantees the financial security of his family for generations to come.  You might think, "That's ridiculous.  Why give one guy that much money for one damn movie?"

    At face value, Christian Bale returning as Batman for a team-up film with Henry Cavill's Superman, guarantees at the minimum - the minimum - a worldwide box office guesstimate of likely $1.25 billion.

    Yes, that's roughly $400 million more than if Josh Brolin puts on the cape and cowl.

    Oh, and you ask if the film is actually good, if not great, and is embraced by audiences?

    $2 billion, if not more.

    Suddenly, that $100 million check to Bale looks like chump change compared to a revenue of about 20x that.

    I'm not saying Bale is coming back - because again, I don't think he is - but when you do the math, it becomes pretty damn clear why Warner Bros. is not taking NO for an answer.

    Reader Comments (5)

    I'm starting to get tired of these bs Nolan apologist articles by John. Nolan wanted to do Begins for the same reasons Bale did, money and exposure. They both have plenty now. They did The Dark Knight which was pretty great and then after that let's be honest both Bale and Nolan were done. Had Ledger not died the circumstances may have been different and Rises might have seen a return of the joker and a director/star that actually cared to be there. Rises wreaks like fucking horrid shit of contractual obligations. Lying to yourself and drinking Jett from batman on films Kool-Aid won't change this.

    Bale was good as Batman and Nolan is a great director, BUT neither of them own the character of Batman so for one they couldn't stop wb from using the nolanverse continuity. Two that shut was burned to the ground with rises anyway and THREE there is zero actual math done in this article to conclude how much money a recast batman in mos 2 will make or how much a bale included film would make. 2billion? you're fucking kidding yourself if you think that. That's the same as the people who thought mos was come close to a billion or do 800. a sequel with or without batman at all let alone a recast batman will likely do a billion dollars regardless. Factor in another couple years of inflation on ticket prices and the people that catch mos on home video that didn't bother with the theatrical release and boom.

    People have the bad taste of superman returns out of their mouths now. Mos wasn't nearly as divisive as the internet would lead you to believe either. 650million dollars says general audiences were into it. Next time they've got the reintroduction out of the way and the unfortunate and unnecessary inclusion of a new batman. Try do some actual math or add some facts to your article next time pal. You made no solid point other than acting like an entitled fanboy that actually believes Bale gives a rats ass about Batman. Give your head a shake.

    Well, I really, REALLY wanted MOS2 to be another Superman-only movie. If Batman had his trilogy, then why not Superman, who happens to be the first and greatest superhero ever? I think it's too soon for a team-up, but oh well. Getting back on topic, it kinda makes sense, seeing the success of the DK trilogy, that WB would want Bale to come back. However, it's not gonna happen. Too bad Batman will appear in the next movie. I just hope WB and Snyder keep in mind that this should be a SUPERMAN sequel, and not a World's Finest movie.

    Objective Opinion Guy, what's this 'Nolan Apologist' stuff? It has nothing to do with him. It's merely an opinion of what news outlets keep reporting because they just won't stop reporting on Bale. I could give two shits about Nolan, Bale, or whatever the heck else goes on behind-the-scenes.

    Warner Bros. is a business and they want to make money, period. And by the way too, anyone with so-called 'balls' on the internet rarely has them in real life. Watch won't you write next time about contributors on this site who do this completely for free or you won't be allowed to comment anymore.

    08-15-2013 | Unregistered CommenterJohn DiNicola

    The problem with this article is that is assumes a bale free Worlds Finest has a ceiling of 800million.
    Why. The new spiderman sequel alone has a shot of making more than that. In what world does sky fall make what it makes and this sequel steeped in novelty doesn't?

    That point is made that for better or worse bale coming back means more money. However that's not in the long term. Only a fool would assume bale will come back for another WB trilogy, he probably wouldn't even do that with Nolan. So take a second look at what's WB better play.

    08-15-2013 | Unregistered Commenterjim

    Sorry, had to say something. It's not "for all intensive purposes;" it should be "for all intents and purposes."

    08-15-2013 | Unregistered CommenterGrammarNerd

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