Colin Trevorrow Wants To 'Honor What Came Before' in JURASSIC PARK IV

Schmoes Know got the chance to ask Colin Trevorrow a few things about the upcoming Jurassic Park IV, at the 2013 Saturn Awards. The continuation of the franchise, which has had a strange few months from being put on hold (people assumed cancelled) to being brought back with a 2015 release and (supposed) plot-synopsis leak.
Well, Trevorrow is working with Spielberg to make you guys happy, and like all directors to are set to take over a franchise, he wants to honor what came before.
"It's incredible to have Steven [Spielberg], who's done this for decades and has such an incredible filmic knowledge and just understands the language of story in a way that for us is very refreshing," says Trevorrow. "It's not like getting notes from a studio executive; it's really just trying to crack this and make it the best it can be."
"We don't want to create a new scoop here, but we definitely want to honor what came before us,"Trevorrow continues. "We are very aware of how much a certain generation especially cares about this movie, and we talk about it all the time, and really the conversation is: It’s not about us, it’s not about our careers, it’s 'How do we make something that can stand with the first one?'."
Jurassic Park IV roars into theaters in 2015, more news will likely find it's way online when Comic-Con rolls around.
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