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    Scarlet Witch & Quick-Silver Basically Confirmed for AVENGERS; Fox Might be Pissed.

    Nerd-God Joss Whedon, fresh off stroking his ego from a little indie film that made a modest amount last summer,  The Avengers, has hinted strongly that Scarlet Witch and Quick-Silver, the mutant spawns of Magneto, could possibly appear in The Avengers 2 while talking to Yahoo! Movies today. 

    "I've got these two characters, two of my favorite characters from the comic book, a brother-sister act. They're in the movie."

    While this has been speculated for a while, due to the odd legal nature of the two characters being simultaneously owned by Marvel and 20th Fox, allowing them to hypothetically appear in the next X-Men film AND the Avengers films, as IGN has pointed out:

    Yes, they originated in the X-Men comics, which is generally 20th Century Fox's purview, but it appears there's more to it than that for the brother/sister duo, who went on to become Avengers in the comics. Instead, Feige reveals both 20th Century Fox and Marvel have legal access to Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch in their respective films, which is unique to these characters. That's right, Marvel could put them in an Avengers movie, while Fox could also separately put them in an X-Men movie if they so chose to. It's hard not to ponder the oddness if both franchises included them, possibly with different actors - and set in different eras!

    That's pretty cool I guess, although w both know Scarlet Witch will appear as a sassy pop-culture savvy goth-girl, and Quick-Silver will be an effeminate smart ass with nice-hair probably played by some unknown British star who will go on to become a Tumblr icon and piss you off after hearing about the 26th fanfiction involving an Iron-Man/Quick-Silver sex scene.

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