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    Marvel Studios Gets Back DAREDEVIL; Sadly No Word of Ben Affleck

    In case Mark Steven Johnson's 2003 picture with Ben Affleck, Colin Farrell, and Jennifer Garner didn't do it for you, and you had already gotten your hopes up for David Slade's potential reboot that was tossed around back in 2012, well it appears Marvel Studios has gotten back the rights to "The Man Without Fear" (which I bet $10 will be the film's subtitle).

    Marvel Studios President of Production, Kevin Feige, spoke with Newsarama  today at an Iron Man 3 press junkett, and out of all of that circle-jerking about how "great" and "gritty" the third installment of the super-powered franchise will be, Feige let slip that Marvel Studios had, indeed, re-acquired Daredevil from Fox after their rights expired on October 10 2012:

    We directly asked Feige if the reports that Marvel Studios now had the rights to Daredevil were accurate, to which he replied, "To Daredevil? Yes."

    Well, there you have it. Obviously there's no word or plans to make a new Daredevil feature; but I'm sure the upcoming large slate of "Avengers Phase 2" films will keep you Marvel nerds calmed till the news is leaked and then made a big deal out of, till it's confirmed Marvel makes it a PG-13 Avengers S.H.I.E.L.D Fest.

    You can see what David Slade's vision of Daredevil would have been like below in this NC-17 rated sizzle reel. 

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