First Full X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Image is Sadly Just Halle Berry

From the Twitter of Bryan Singer which has brought us such classics as "Bearded Ice-Man" or "The back of Patrick Stewart's bald head" now comes the image comic-book fans and X-Men fans have been clamouring for:
An image of Halle Berry as Storm!
Is that not what you wanted? Did you want Dinklage or Fassbender or a Sentinel? Too bad, nerds.
All things considered, I'm loving the gruff kind of "armor" the future X-Men seem to be wearing that we kind of saw with Xavier and Ice-Man, and can't wait to see the full cast all decked out.
It's been a good few days for getting glimpses of upcoming movie characters like Electro, Harry Osborn, and now Storm.
I'm still hoping for a pic of Fassbender...please...
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