Neill Blomkamp Still Might Be Up For Your Nerdy HALO Movie

IGN was at a press event for Neill Bomkamp's upcoming sci-fi actioner Elysium where the Oscar-nominated director of 2009's acclaimed District 9 spoke of possibly revisiting the movie District 9 was supposed to be, if he had more creative input, that is.
"I still really love the world and the universe and the mythology of Halo. If I was given control, I would really like to do that film," Blomkamp confessed. "But that's the problem. When something pre-exists, there's this idea of my own interpretation versus 150 other people involved with the film's interpretation of the same intellectual property. Then the entire filmgoing audience has their interpretation. You can really live up to or fail in their eyes. That part isn't appealing to me, but the original pieces are appealing."
It's well known around the net that the motion picture adaptation of Microsoft and Bungie's acclaimed and best-selling science fiction shooter was in development for quite a while, with nerd-god Peter Jackson (King Kong, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit) producing and Bomkamp directing. The film was to be made with 20th Century Fox and Universal; but the studios later dropped citing budgetary concerns, which is when Blomkamp and Jackson went on to do District 9.
The only thing to ever come of it, however, was Blomkamps gorgeous "Halo: Landfall" trilogy to promote "Halo 3" back in 2007. If Blomkamp did this on such a small budget, one can only imagine how stunning his full-length major film of it would be...
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