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    Think McFly Think Now Has a Game of Thrones Podcast

    Regular listeners to the Movie Moan podcast may have realised that Phil Gee and Queen Kristina are crazy about 'Game Of Thrones' and rather than spend our entire week sending emails back and forth about the latest episode, why don't we try a podcast about it.

    So welcome to the first episode of 'Game Of Moans'.

    In this first episode, Phil and Kristina desperately try to cover everything that happened in the first episode of Season 2, 'The North Remembers'; is Daenerys already screwed?  Is Joffrey done with his mother for good?  What the hell was Littlefinger thinking?  What is Sansa's plan for survival?  Has the show's budget for prosthetic dead babies already gone through the roof?

    As we say on the show, this is a no-frills, test pilot for this podcast.  Whether we turn this into a regular weekly podcast is entirely up to you guys.  Please give us a listen and let us know in the comments section whether we are worthy to join the ranks of great Thronecasts already out there.

    After all, when you play the game of podcasts you win or you die.  There is no middle ground.

    Game of Moans Podcast - Episode 1

    Reader Comments (1)

    That was really good

    04-11-2012 | Unregistered Commenterjdp

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