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    « Jack Reacher Trailer Goes a Long Way to Sell Tom Cruise, Badass | Main | Leaked Man of Steel Toy Commercials Showcase What Superman Will Punch »

    Domestic Poster for 'Jack Reacher' is a Bit...Amatuer-ish

    Really Paramount?  That is the best you could come up with for your winter tentpole starring Tom Cruise?

    I'm not even going to get into the fact that Ethan Hunt himself (I mean common, Cruise doesn't stray much in terms of 'looks' for his movies) is nothing like what is described in Lee Child's Jack Reacher series, but that's your domestic one-sheet?!?

    For one thing, Cruise's head looks like it's been poorly photoshoped onto his body, not to mention the fact that he's - for whatever reason - looking down and upset like he just realized Scientology destroyed his marriage...wait.

    I think some studio exec took a look at the thing and realized they had to add a gun to ensure people realize Cruise is a badass so they threw that in there too (and by the way, since when is it OK to make a guy who's 50 look no more than 35 years-old?  The character in the books is in his 50s for crying out loud!)

    Alright, enough of my rant.  Let's see if the new trailer will be any better which I'm willing to bet will play in front of Skyfall.

    By the way, anyone else pick up on the fact that it's billed as 'A Tom Cruise Production'?

    When a gunman takes five lives with six shots, all evidence points to the suspect in custody. On interrogation, the suspect offers up a single note: “Get Jack Reacher!” So begins an extraordinary chase for the truth, pitting Jack Reacher against an unexpected enemy, with a skill for violence and a secret to keep.

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