Ridley Scott Offers Another Update on 'Blade Runner' Sequel
Well, it's Saturday night and there's not much going on in the film-related news world so this is the best, most interesting I could come up with.
On the Prometheus Blu-ray (which I have no intention of buying), director Ridley Scott offers this brief update on the currently in-development Blade Runner sequel:
"I'm going through Blade Runner now...You start off with a blank sheet and you start to evolve. Sometimes you walk into this wilderness of mirrors that don't make any sense at all. Then, suddenly, two and two do make four and you think, 'Oh, that's good,' and you put that up there. It's a series of paving stones."
Funny, before Prometheus came out I was under the impression R Scott would come up with something great for another Blade Runner flick as his Alien semi-prequel looked fantastic from the trailers. Then I saw the film and my high hopes for a return to his 1982 sci-fi classic took a sizable hit.
However, maybe the fact that this is a sequel and not a somewhat 'distant prequel' will help Scott come up with a more linear, sensible story rather than one filled with lame ideas and plot holes.
Here's hoping.
Source: ComingSoon.net
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