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    Ridley Scott Talks 'Prometheus' & 'Blade Runner' Sequels

    Legendary director Ridley Scott recently talked up his planned follow-ups for this past summer's Prometheus, and the long-rumored sequel to his sci-fi classic, Blade Runner.

    Regarding this past summer's extremely polarizing - Alien esque - film (you either loved or hated it), Scott had this to say:

    "Prometheus evolved into a whole other universe. You’ve got a person [Noomi Rapace’s Elizabeth Shaw] with a head in a bag [ Michael Fassbender’s David] that functions and has an IQ of 350. It can explain to her how to put the head back on the body and she’s gonna think about that long and hard because, once the head is back on his body, he’s dangerous.  They’re going off to paradise but it could be the most savage, horrible place. Who are the Engineers?"

    In discussing his return to the world of Blade Runner (a much more beloved, respected film) Scott states:

    "It’s not a rumour – it’s happening. With Harrison Ford? I don’t know yet. Is he too old? Well, he was a Nexus-6 so we don’t know how long he can live [laughs]. And that’s all I’m going to say at this stage."

    I guess Scott definitely confirmed there that Deckard was indeed a Replicant?

    Anyway, looking forward to both films when they do finally come together as anything the talented director does is worth seeing.

    Source: Metro

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