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The Avengers Superbowl Spot Teaser

Earlier today a promotional chat was held on Twitter to promote the upcoming Avengers theatrical release. Fans got a chance to chat with Joss Whedon and were able to ask him questions about the film. At the end of the chat, a 10 second teaser was released for the 30 second Superbowl spot. It was also announced that the movie will be digitally re-mastered for the IMAX 3D format to be released worldwide on the same date.

The few short seconds show in the footage gives a quick shot of each character with a giant explosion that revealed some sort of flying mechanisms coming through the fire. A glimpse of the Hulk ends the teaser and this version looks more cleaned up and a little more releastic than the previous film versions of the character. The Avengers is in theaters on May 4th.

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