Schwarzenegger's Next Flick Gets Biblical

After having left acting and spending eight years in politics as the Governator of California, Schwarzenegger is finally ready to bring his cheesy 80's action hero one-liner persona back to the big screen. His comeback kicks off with next years Expendables 2 in August and then in January 2013 he can be seen in the Last Stand, both of which are filming now. The third flick in his comeback, Black Sands, is currently in pre-production.
Very little has been revealed about the plot of Black Sands other than the need-to-know info ofcourse (Schwarzenegger will be kicking ass and taking names). TheArnoldFans had somehow obtained a title change (Black Sunday, which is apparently not true) along with a quote from the man himself where he said “I’m a kind of angel… I can not currently say more about this film.” Originally the feel of the flick was said to be “like High Plains Drifter meets Man on Fire,” but now this report says it could be like “a cross between Constantine and Commando.”
I personally don't go into Schwarzenegger flicks expecting substance, Oscar worthy performances or plots that make much sense for that matter, but I still love the hell out of damn near anything he does. The man is a certified bad motherfucker, fucking fat Mexican nannies and Batman & Robin not withstanding. The tone of the film sounds similar to End of Days, which for me anyway is a definite bonus, other bloggers and critics however are already moaning and groaning at the thought. I can't say I understand their frustration though. Having Schwarzenegger face off against Satan himself and deliver such classic lines as the one below is exactly the kind of popcorn fun I can get behind.
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