Schwarzenegger Could be Joining Stallone in 'The Tomb'

After working together on this summers Exepndables 2 it appears the 80's action pals Shwarzenegger and Stallone could be re-teaming again in another action pic, The Tomb. The film was originally set to star Bruce Willis with Antoine Fuqua set to direct, but both dropped out of the project. Stallone came on to star with no director in place, but TOLDJA! says Mikael Hafstrom is considering the gig.
AICN now has the scoop that Schwarzenegger will likely be joining the cast as I'm guessing the possible antagonist. He was originally offered the same role as Willis and now the one Stallone is set to take on, but he turned it down in favor of starring in The Last Stand.
The Tomb centers on the designer (Stallone) of an impenetrable prison who must work against his own creation when he’s framed and improperly jailed by an antagonist (hopefully Schwarzenegger).
Whenever you have the team up of Schwarzenegger and Stallone it has the ability to be the equivalent to a De Niro Pacino team up like Heat, only more geared towards 80's action nostalgia and pure cheese. Still great none the less, and if it turns out to be true it's one more film in Arnie's comeback I have to look forward to.
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