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    New Paranormal Activity 3 Trailer

    Just when I think I've had enough of this franchise, they yank me back in.  Actually, from what we can see in this new trailer for Paranormal Activity 3, people are going to get yanked all over the place - violently and often.  Considering that Paranormal Activity 2 seemed like an endless loop of watching a pool cleaner moving around by itself on a home security video, color me impressed that they seem to be bringing some major jump-out-of-your-seat scenes this time around. 

    I also have a feeling that even if the movie stinks (which is likely), it will still be worth going to an opening night show just to hear the audience freak out. 

    Paranormal Activity 3 opens in theaters on October 21.

    Reader Comments (1)

    A light, family comedy?

    09-30-2011 | Unregistered CommenterKip Smithers

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