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    Kristen Stewart Becomes A Knight!

    Ok I'm not sure if that is strictly true but in that armour she looks like Aragorn in ROTK if Aragorn was a pasty, thin young girl. Kristen Stewart is actually a good young actress as her indie work has shown, but she gets a lot of stick because of Twilight, a franchise that as many people hate as love, and because she is awkwardly nervy in interviews. This project is another potential blockbuster franchise and hopefully will do better critically for her than the often panned Twilight.

    Of the two Snow White movies currently being made this one "Snow White and The Huntsman" seems far the more interesting to me, with Chris 'Thor' Hemsworth as The Hunstman training Snow White so she can fend off the evil Queen played by Charlize Theron.

    Superherohype got the pics via Popsugar.

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