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    « Kate Beckinsale On The Total Recall Set Plus A Vid of Hovercar Stunt | Main | THINK TWICE: DOES THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (2012) DESERVE TO BE GIVEN A CHANCE? PART III »

    A Quick, Opinionated Take on 'The Dark Knight Rises'

    Over the past week or two I've been reading a lot of internet chatter about what people think of The Dark Knight Rises, being filmed right now with everyone to see in Pittsburgh.

    "Why is Batman fighting in the daytime?"

    "What's with the football game?"

    "Why are the Pittsburgh Steelers gonna be in the movie?"

    These questions ultimately lead people to thinking the film will suck.  Why you ask?  Well everyone's last glimpse of Batman came in The Dark Knight, the best comic book movie of all-time.  Everyone compares what they see being filmed to that movie.  But I think everyone is making the wrong assumption about this film:  This is not The Dark Knight 2!

    Just because the film has The Dark Knight in the title, does not mean it's gonna be the exact same movie.  Go back and watch Batman Begins and The Dark Knight together.  Yes, they have the same characters and everything but do the films really share any similarities besides that?  From the film's style, to tone, to cinematography, one is different from the other.  With that, I think everyone keeps thinking The Dark Knight Rises will look just like The Dark Knight did.  No it won't.

    This is Christopher Nolan were talking about here.  He changes his style for each film.  Why would he want to repeat what he's already done?  He wants to make a different style film with The Dark Knight Rises, otherwise, why else would he bother?

    So next time you spoil yourself and view pics or a video from the set of The Dark Knight Rises and are saying to yourself, "Well that doesn't look right...That wouldn't fit with The Dark Knight."  Just remember:

    It's NOT The Dark Knight.

    Reader Comments (2)

    Glad someone finally said it

    08-7-2011 | Unregistered CommenterSugarbear

    This article tell the reality of very important organization and clearly gives the reasons that what they are doing. Very information article and actions should be taken against such organizations odpgsu odpgsu - North Face Denali.

    12-3-2011 | Unregistered Commentertguaai tguaai

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