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    « First Look at (What We're Told is) Anne Hathaway as Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises | Main | The Batpod In Action In Pittsburgh! »

    Rise of the Planet of the Apes: How Did They Do That?

    Rise of the Planet of the Apes has so far been getting some shockingly good reviews.  Whatever your feelings are about this reboot/remake/prequel to the original 1968 Planet of the Apes (and its 4 sequels), you have to admit...the special effects we've seen with the apes so far has pretty damn impressive, especially since there were no actual apes used in the film.

    So how did that motion capture stuff work?  20th Century Fox has released a behind-the-scenes look at how WETA Digital made an ape apocalypse look exceptionally real, and proves once again how Andy Serkis is one of the coolest actors working today:


    And you can check out a clip from the movie here:

    Oh, that's just not going to end well for anyone.

    Rise of the Planet of the Apes opens in theaters tomorrow.

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