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    RIP, Hightower

    If you grew up in the 80s, odds are you've seen at least one of the Police Academy movies.  Cinema classics they definitely weren't, and I seem to recall that I finally gave up on the series after the fourth movie, but in their heyday they were always good for a laugh and usually instantly quotable.

    CNN is reporting that Bubba Smith, who starred in six of the seven Police Academy movies, passed away today at the age of 66.  Smith, of course, played the gentle giant Moses Hightower, the florist-turned-police-lieutenant whose memorable driving lesson in a tiny Honda Civic was one of the highlights of the original Police Academy movie.  He was also played nine seasons in the NFL, winning the Superbowl with the Baltimore Colts in 1971.

    Of course, he didn't entirely leave football behind when he turned to acting:

    Love that scene.  RIP, Bubba.  We'll miss you.

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