New Star Wars Blu-Ray Trailer
Fri, August 12, 2011
A new trailer has premiered for the upcoming Star Wars blu-ray box set that should have even the grumpiest of the saga's fans suddenly checking their calendars to see just how much longer we have to wait until this finally arrives in stores.
You can check out the trailer below, courtesy of Yahoo Movies UK:
I think I'm gonna need to watch that again.
Star Wars: The Complete Saga wiill be released internationally on September 12, and in North America on September 16. In addition to remastered versions of all six Star Wars films, the set will also include 40 hours of bonus features, including extended/deleted scenes, new and vintage documentaries, a collection of the various Star Wars spoofs, and audio commentaries.
Speaking of Star Wars spoofs, if you haven't yet seen the new ad Disney and Lucasfilm created to plug the updated version of the Star Tours ride at Disneyland, you must check this out:
Hilarious! Even for Sith Lords, it's still apparently the happiest place on earth.
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