"The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" Poster Goes Full Frontal

New "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" poster courtesy of ComingSoon.Net via IMP Awards. I can see the actors reacting to the release of the poster in a similar manner as below.
DANIEL CRAIG: Did you look at look at this poster carefully?
ROONEY MARA: Carefully?
DANIEL CRAIG: Because I'm not sure and and and correct me if I'm wrong but I think I see ... a nipple.
DANIEL CRAIG: Here. Take a look. What, what is that?
ROONEY MARA: (gasps) Oh my God! That's my nipple.
DANIEL CRAIG: That's what I thought.
ROONEY MARA: That's my nipple. My nipple's exposed. This poster is being seen by thousands of people across the internet. My parents. My boss. Uh, Nana and Papa.
DANIEL CRAIG: Didn't you look at the poster?
ROONEY MARA: Oh God I didn't notice. Oh, what am I going to do? You know your whole life you go through painstaking efforts to hide your nipple and then BOOM, suddenly thousands of people get their own personal shot of it.
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