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    « Weekend Box Office: April 29 - May 1 | Main | Praise Be to Thor! Cabin in the Woods Finally Getting Released! »

    Back to the Future: Episode 4 (the game!) Has Arrived

    New time-travel awesomeness has arrived courtesy of Telltale Games, with the release of the fourth chapter of Back to the Future: The Game.  Entitled Double Visions, this latest disruption to the space-time continuum has Marty McFly escaping a dystopian version of 1986 run by an evil version of Doc Brown, and travelling back to the 1930s to stop the younger Doc from hooking up with Edna Strickland (the sister of Marty's future high school principal nemesis, Mr. Strickland).  By doing so, he will stop Doc from marrying the woman who convinced poor Doc to turn 1986 into something out of 1984.

    I love the idea that unlike his original time-travel adventure, Marty's mission is now to prevent a couple from falling in love and getting married.  Even more so, I love that this chapter also has guitars and skateboards. 

    Double Visions is now available for the PC and Mac.  PSN and iPad releases are scheduled for June. 

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