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    There Will Be No Dick In 'The Dark Knight Rises'

    Wow.  Now I know why rumors like Johnny Depp as The Riddler and Heath Ledger returning as The Joker (through archival footage) gain steam on the internet:

    People are complete idiots.

    Come on, did you really think this website (run by college kids I might add) somehow gained insider knowledge that Robin was appearing in TDKR?  Not only that, didn't you then realize everyone involved in Christoper Nolan's Batman films, whether it be Bale, Goyer, or Nolan himself, state the character would never be used?  Finally (and this should have been the nail in the coffin), didn't you then come to the realization that with the amount of secrecy that goes into Nolan's films, why a small-town news outlet would somehow land the scoop of the year?

    Yes internet, you never seize to doubt my belief in the intellect of the human mind.

    Well, if that logic wasn't good enough for you, we have confirmation from two extremely reliable websites (Batman-On-Film, Moviehole) that, as one website puts it, Batman won't be getting any Dick in TDKR.

    I hope this clears things up pretty well for all of you and enjoy the Super Bowl.

    Reader Comments (2)

    In related news, "Duh."

    02-6-2011 | Unregistered CommenterE. Nygma

    I wouldn't have minded seeing Robin in this film, or at least hinted at. I think there are ways to make it work.

    A great thing might be to set it up where they work together from time to time but are not as close as in the comics and we then "spin-off" into a Titans movie from there. Just a thought.

    02-6-2011 | Unregistered CommenterKal-El Fan

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