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    Robin Gameplay Footage From Arkham City

    Often times I feel a bit fatigued from all the Batman bad-assery talk from long time fans and general public alike. Even though ole Batty isn't my favorite character, there's no doubt he seems to be the only character DC can continue to keep popular in various forms of media.

    Checking out my Arkham City countdown app on my phone, we're left with 11 days until the release of the highly anticipated sequel to a Arkham Asylum. That was a fun game and quiet possibly the best comic book related game to date. Arkham City seems to have stepped everything up a notch with being able to take Batman out in the city for more exploration of Gotham.

    This Robin clip that debuted today has me more excited about the game than before. These levels will be the ones I look forward to playing most. For the moment this character is only available with an exclusive pre-order through Best Buy. I hate these exclusives and wish they would just have it as a standard option when you purchase the game, but there could be hope later on to get the levels with Robin by other means. 

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