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    "Pinocchio" To Come Alive For Warner Bros.

    The Brothers Warner along with Dan Jinks Co. are set to puppeteer a live action version of "Pinocchio" according to The Trades. Dan Jinks will produce the feature through his company and Bryan Fuller has been given the opportunity to write the script. Fuller worked on ABC's weirdo tv show "Pushing Daises" and has sort of a cult following due to "Wonderfalls" and "Dead Like Me".

    Jinks was reportedly inspired by Burton's live action take on "Alice In Wonderland, "I think we've found a fresh approach that's going to be very entertaining." I have to say I really like this idea. I can see a film which features a nice balance of darkness, wonder, and comedy. I'm assuming the studio is going to do this one in 3D and find themselves crushed by giant wads of cash. I don't know about you, but I am really liking Tom Wilkinson as Gepetto right now.

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