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    Clint Eastwood's 'Hereafter' Trailer

    The story of three people who are touched by death in different ways, Hereafter stars Matt Damon as George, a blue-collar American who has a special connection to the afterlife. On the other side of the world, Marie (Cecile De France), a French journalist, has a near-death experience that shakes her reality. And when Marcus, a London schoolboy, loses the person closest to him, he desperately needs answers. Each on a path in search of the truth, their lives will intersect, forever changed by what they believe might--or must--exist in the hereafter.
    I have to say, this film looks exceptional.  Clint Eastwood almost seems to never make a bad film, plus, anything with Matt Damon is worth seeing.  Looking forward to this one as it hits theaters October 22nd.

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