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    Aronofsky to possibly direct 'Wolverine 2'?

    Darren Aronofsky is one of the best, most imaginative and original filmmakers working today.  Every film he touches is great.  I've never seen the man make nothing short of a fantastic movie, period.  Which is why when I hear that TOLDJA! is reporting Aronofsky is one of the final two contenders to direct 'Wolverine 2', I digress.

    Aronofsky is way too good of a filmmaker to be wasting his time with a sequel to what was nothing but an average comic-book movie.  The man is too good for it, way too good.  I love Hugh Jackman, and think he's a fantastic actor who puts his all into his roles, but I think it's time he puts ol' Logan to bed.  We had two great films featuring Wolverine and two bad ones.  Let's call it even and not tip the scale.  Darren, please, devote your talents and time to something better.

    Reader Comments (1)

    Wasn't he talking about making a big budget Noah's Ark film at one time?

    08-31-2010 | Unregistered CommenterLighthouse

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