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    Edgar Wright Talks "Ant Man"


    Edgar Wright the director of Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World recently sat down with Box Office Magazine and talked a bit more about the "Ant Man" film he's been developing for Marvel.

    I haven't actually started the second draft yet--I'm not going to be able to until this film [Scott Pilgrim] is out--but what we wrote for the first draft, and what Marvel really liked, is that it's funny, but it's a genre film. It's about the level of comedy that Iron Man has. The idea is to make a high-concept genre film where it's within another genre. His suit and its power is the big gadget and it takes place in the real world. I just wanted to do something that was slightly different than the superhero origin film. I felt that between that and the various mad scientist, crazy doctor films that we've all seen, this would be a way into an origin that was slightly different. I'm not really a multi-tasker--I haven't done anything since Marvel liked our first draft.

    I liked Shaun of the Dead, but Hot Fuzz didn't work as well for me, and I'll admit when I first heard about Scott Pilgrim it sounded retarded. But now after seeing a few trailers it looks pretty damn awesome. So I'm on the fence about an Ant Man movie. I don't know the character all that well, and I'm pretty sure general audiences don't either, so it could go either way for me and general audiences alike. Iron Man was a relatively unknown character outside of avid comic book readers, and went on to be a huge success.The question is will Marvel just try to use the same formula that worked there or are they doing something different. By the sounds of things, they're hoping for something similar to Iron Man.

    There's a good possibility this could go on to be a huge success, but that's all dependant on who they cast in the lead, and just how funny they make the character. There's a thin line between having a genre film be campy and having "some" humor. On the other hand they could be looking at a huge flop like DC's recent run at a second tier hero with Jonah Hex. Time will tell.

    Reader Comments (1)

    I still have no idea who Ant Man is. I know I could google him, but fuck that. He sounds too retarded to look up

    06-30-2010 | Unregistered CommenterBatmanfan

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