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Peter Jackson Directing "The Hobbit" ?

It looks like Peter Jackson may direct the two "Hobbit" movies after all.

According to HeatVision Jackson is in early negotiations to direct both movies, which were left without a director after Guillermo del Toro left the project last month.

Jackson will apparently have to extricate himself from other project obligations due to previous contracts with conflicting schedules.

I'm still not entirely convinced by this, but I guess we'll know for sure soon enough. If things are in fact moving forward with Jackson in the directors chair we should be hearing an announcement by the end of next week at the very latest.

Reader Comments (1)

Gawd, really? Which character is he going to leave out in this movie. Tom Bombadil could have made LOTR a top shelf movie. But noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, no yellow boots, no guy that is not affected by the Ring of Power. Hmmmmmm. Briefly compares Tom Bombadil to Nikola Tesla. I wonder why?

06-26-2010 | Unregistered Commentertmt

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