Captain America's New Suit!

Just Last week JoBlo had the chance to see the new Captain America suit, but they were sworn to secrecy so they had to describe the look as opposed to posting the pictures.
Well now AICN has posted some artwork via an anonymous source, and JoBlo is confirming their legitimacy. Apparently the art work is exactly the same as what they were shown last week.
I have to say the new design looks pretty damn awesome. After some of the things we heard up until this I wasn't all that excited, but now I can honestly say I'm pumped to see Chris Evans in the red white and blue next summer!
Reader Comments (6)
Holyshit! Very fuckin cool, I can't wait for this.
Not bad at all.
looks better than what I was expecting, I'm glad hes doesn;t have the dorky little whiite wings
Does cap carry a gun? it looks like it the second pic there
Theres nothing saying he won't end up with the wings in the other suit. It's said that he has two suits the movie
This is probably going to be the best variation of a Cappy suit that we can ask for. The red, white and blue are significant to the character, but, lets be honest, the suit its self would be VERY hard to pass as anything other than laughable in real life...or on film.