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    Favreau Talks Iron Man 3

    Now that Iron Man 2 has officially been released world wide, you can expect Favreau and Co. to be pimping it out, to ensure its success in the coming weeks.

    Jon Favreau recently talked to MTV and said that The Mandarin, one of Iron Man's most stereotypical and popular villains, will finally show up in Iron Man 3:

    At this point I'm going to take anything Favreau or any of the other cast and/ or Marvel have to say about an Iron Man sequel with a grain of salt. of course they're going to tell us that Mandarin is the villain, or we can expect it to hit theatres in 2014 or so. They are doing their jobs, pimping out their newest release.

    I don't doubt we'll see Iron Man at the very least make an appearance in The Avengers, but I'm not expecting much more then that. I would go as far as to say that Iron Man 2 will be Iron Man's swan song. I think after Robert Downey Jr. finishes his appearance in The Avengers and Favreau his duties as producer, that's the last we'll see of them, as far as this franchise goes anyways.

    For now though we still have Iron Man 2 to enjoy! You can check out my review HERE, or Mike's HERE.

    Reader Comments (4)

    I agree, there will be no more Iron Man after avengers. not rdj iron man that is

    05-10-2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrad

    probably true, but I'd still like to see it happen. a trilogy would be a better way to round things out.

    05-10-2010 | Unregistered CommenterNoah

    this reminds me of everyone saying Nolan wouldn't return to do Batman 3 after

    05-10-2010 | Unregistered CommenterTony

    Nothing at all like that situation Tony, Nolan was considering not returning because of Ledger's death, Favreau won't return because he doesn't want to incorperate everything everyone else is doing. Because by the time we got an Iron Man 3 The Avengers would be out along with Thor and he would have to keep Iron Man 3 with in that continuity, that and I get the feeling he doesn't want to work with Disney, and RDJ is not going to return with out Favreau at the helm

    05-10-2010 | Unregistered CommenterBatmanfan

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