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First Footage 'Jonah Hex'!

Syfy is promoting that the trailer for Jonah Hex will debut this Thursday on the channel and you can watch the brief footage using the player below. The trailer will hit theaters with A Nightmare on Elm Street this weekend.

Directed by Jimmy Hayward, the comic book opens June 18th and stars Josh Brolin, John Malkovich, Megan Fox, Will Arnett and Michael Shannon.


Reader Comments (3)

I want to see this trailer, but I still think this movie is gonna suck ass

04-26-2010 | Unregistered CommenterDave

Everything I've heard about this thus far has sounded like crap, I do however really want to see the trailer for some reason. It's like a car accident, it's terrible but you have to see what happened, and you can't look away lol

04-26-2010 | Unregistered CommenterNoah

looks like WILD WILD WEST, the one with Will Smith.

05-2-2010 | Unregistered Commenterbob

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