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    Batman 3 will NOT be in 3D


    Warner Bros recently announced plans for all of their big budget films to be released in 3D going forward. This was said to include all of the DC movies being released in the future as well. Certain movies such as Green Lantern or maybe even the new Superman reboot, I wouldn't mind seeing in 3D, but I was never interested in the idea seeing Batman 3 in 3D.

    Good news, Batman 3 might not be getting the 3D treament like every other big budget movie currently being released. In an interview with Cinematical, cinematographer Wally Pfister talked about the possibility of shooting BATMAN 3 in 3D. Like Nolan, Pfister's not interested much in 3D. he had the following to say:

    "What Chris and I have talked about is doing something cool and something interesting. Director Brad Bird was saying 'you've got to shoot the whole thing in IMAX!' I was like, yeah, I've talked to Chris about that."

    "Chris Nolan wants to shoot Batman 3 on film. He doesn't want to shoot on video, and I'm the same way."

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    Reader Comments (12)

    This is great news! I was dreading batman in 3D, Nolans Batman is too dark and serious for something as gimmicky as 3D

    04-20-2010 | Unregistered CommenterBatmanFan

    I wouldn't mind batman in 3D, Avatar was great and Nolan know what he's doing, if he decides that 3D is the way to go then im cool with it

    04-20-2010 | Unregistered CommenterSly

    Avatar was great but batman will look stupid if get made in 3D, i hope Nolan gets his way, shit entirely in IMAX would be amazing!

    04-20-2010 | Unregistered CommenterDave

    I saw TDK in IMAX it was unbelievable, I really hope he decides to do the entire movie in IMAX, 3D is too gimmicky like batmanfan said

    04-20-2010 | Unregistered CommenterAngela

    Avatar was garbage, Batman shouldnt beruined by 3D, im sure WB will let Nolan do this his way, they need a full and complete batman trilogy made entirley with one team, IMAX is the way to go for sure

    04-20-2010 | Unregistered CommenterMark

    I really enjoy this news. Its great to see one of the big tentpoles not being planned to be released in 3D. I don't think a Batman film needs it and would probably gain more out of being shot completely in IMAX camera.

    04-20-2010 | Registered CommenterMatt Rapier

    I'm pretty sure the price of Imax tickets is the same as 3D tickets, which really is what it all comes down to for these studios. If Nolan does shoot Batman3 entirley in Imax, they'll have that much more people wanting to see it in that format.

    All in all they'll make the truck loads of cash that they're looking for and the film will be done justice.

    04-20-2010 | Registered CommenterMitch Anderson

    Personally, I'll never go to another 3D movie. A Christmas Carol was cool during the opening scene when it felt like you were flying through the snow flakes...for like 20 seconds. Then it was just a fuzzy mess for me. This is the best news I've heard today.

    04-20-2010 | Registered CommenterMike Shadwick

    You idiots complaining about 3D do you realize that you have a choice of not seeing it in 3D. I actually don't believe that the next Batman will be in 2D. Studio pressure will ultimately win this war.

    04-21-2010 | Unregistered CommenterZacattack


    I completely agree. It's not like Clash of the Titans was ONLY released in 3D. The great thing about this country is choice and the same applies for this as well.

    If you hate 3D so much, DON'T SEE IT IN 3D. If you really want to show the studios how sick of the 3D craze you are, SEE IT IN 2D. It's really that simple. You say you hate 3D yet complain about how crappy Clash was in 3D. Hypocrites.

    With Batman, saying they won't shoot it in 3D doesn't mean it won't happen. I seem to remember Guillermo del Toro saying a year or so ago that The Hobbit will not be in 3D. Now they are entertaining the thought due to studio pressure.

    04-21-2010 | Unregistered CommenterGary

    It's not always as simple as choosing to watch in 2D. Theaters in smaller towns often only choose/have space to run the 3D version to make more $$$.

    04-21-2010 | Unregistered CommenterMrHanks


    I'm pretty sure Mitch just explained the studious dilema, if its released in Imax, because it was shot entirely in that format...they will make just as much if not more from the release without goin 3D

    04-21-2010 | Unregistered CommenterSteve-O

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