Green Lanterns Suit Will be CG!

Everyone would like to get a look at Ryan Reynolds in costume in the big screen adaptation of DC Comics 'Green Lantern'. Production started earlier this month in New Orleans, and while the first set photos have begun to hit the web — don’t expect to see Reynolds in the green suit. Not today, not next week, not next month, not ever. So don’t expect to see any leaked shots of Reynolds in the actual suit until Warner Bros makes the official full reveal.
The suit that Ryan wears on set is a grey tracking motion/performance capture suit with led lights. I’ve heard that Ryan Reynolds has been joking on set that Warner Bros is going to make him into a Na’vi when the final cut is released. His joke, not mine. The Green Lantern suit you will see in the final film will be almost entirely created using computers.
That’s right — Green Lantern’s suit will be mostly CG!
I'm personally not all that familiar with the Green Lantern character, but according to IESB, there is sort of a method to the madness. In the comics Lantern's suit is a manifestation of his power ring, and therefore technically not a suit at all. So Reynolds donning a CG suit isn't so insane that fanboys should be turning over in their basements. In fact, Green Lantern fans should have picked up the reasoning right away.
To be honest, it really doesn't matter if fans buy into it. What matters like always is the general public. If they can deal with a CG suit and still hand out positive Word-Of-Mouth like a deck of cards at a blackjack table, then Warner Bros can breath a sigh of relief. I mean we're talking about a hero that creates giant green fists with a power ring here. Suspension of disbelief anyone? As long as the film is good, people will come.
I agree completely with Peter from IESB, what the "fanboys" always seem to forget is, they really only make up a small fraction of the movie going audience, the general public is most likely going to eat this up like they did both Transformers movies regardless of the quality in the story. As long as it looks awesome, it will be huge at the boxoffice.
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