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    Voyage of the Dawn Treader Clip

    I've quite enjoyed the Narnia film series.  Sure, it's no Harry Potter and it does seem like Lord of the Rings-lite, but they've been mostly solid adaptations of the books so far.  Voyage of the Dawn Treader was one of the best books in the series, so I'm looking forward to the new film even though I'm still leery about the move from Disney to Fox.

    Moviefone has a new clip from Voyage of the Dawn Treader, which opens on December 10.  The clip features the Pevensies' bratty cousin Eustace (Will Poulter) and one of my favorite characters from the books, Reepicheep, who is now being voiced by Simon Pegg:

    So it looks decent enough.  Not sure if I'm willing to watch this in 3D yet, but I'll definitely be checking out the 2D version.

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