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    Deathly Hallows "The Hunt Begins" Banners Revealed

    We're just shy of six weeks away from the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (in glorious non-3D), and The Leaky Cauldron has unveiled some terrific new character banners in a series called "The Hunt Begins." 

    Other character banners in the series (which you can see here) include images of Hermione and Ron, Bellatrix Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy, Fenrir Greyback and one of the Snatchers.

    This new series is really building up the chase aspect of Part 1 of the Potter finale, which has Harry, Ron and Hermione alone and on the run from all evil wizarding types while they search for the missing Horcruxes holding pieces of Voldemort's soul.

    In other Deathly Hallows news, Variety has an interesting article up today regarding WB's decision to scrap the 3D version of Part 1, which is scheduled to open on November 19.  While acknowledging that the studio will take a hit financially with 3D conversion costs that had been spent on the film so far and lost revenue from those pricey 3D tickets they won't be selling in November, it does appear that WB did actually give a damn how the 3D was going to look.  And it's Harry, they'll make the money back anyway.

    But be rest assured, we will be getting a 3D version of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II next summer.

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