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'Avatar' Sequel Talk. Surprised?

Not necessarily breaking news to anybody with a brain stem, but James Cameron and the studio wants to work on an "Avatar" sequel. Why wouldn't you want to get a sequel out to a film that has made over a billion dollars world wide in less than a month? Call me crazy but that sounds like good business. It's even more full proof of a venture than greenlighting a Batman 3. I'm sure Alan Horn and Jeff Robinov are waiting in a room with a giant replica of Big Ben right now just waiting for their bat phone replica to ring, "Alan, Jeff, this is Chris Nolan...I'm ready."

James Cameron and a couple of his whiz special effects artists took part in a Q&A at the Arclight Theater in Hollywood last night. A loyal Aint It Cool News reader sent in the following scoop to the powers that be at the website.

Don't know if this is newsworthy, but I just saw a Variety Screening Series showing of Avatar at the Arclight theater in Hollywood tonight, followed with a Q&A with James Cameron and two of his visual effects artists. One of the artists mentioned that they'll never again do this for the first time, meaning that everything they did in the making of Avatar was just a lot of instinctive grasping in the dark. Cameron agreed with him. He also told him to expect the studio to want another one, as they'd passed the billion $ mark. A second film will be easier, as the technology now exists, thanks to the movie. The moderator asked if there *would* be an Avatar sequel. To which Cameron answered that the plan had always been to make a trilogy of films. Finally, Cameron actually said it: "Yes, there'll be another."

So there you have it, the big wigs at the studio and Cameron are thinking sequel. Natural progression. The question is will it really happen? Sometimes things get in the way, other projects, money, actors availability. Thoughts?

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