New "Avatar" Poster!

As we await "Avatar Day" on August 21st to finally see some footage of James Cameron's potentially ground breaking return to cinema, Comingsoon.net has gotten hold of a poster for "Avatar" featuring female Navi Neytiri (Zoe Saldana).
Reader Comments (9)
jake's avatar toy
To be perfectly blunt, I really couldn't care any less about Avatar
I honestly have no interest in this film and I don't believe the general public will either.
Add me to the disinterested. Maybe the footage will change my mind but I doubt it.
peter G.
the GP needs to be interested. the movie is over 200 millions. :-)
More like over $300 million.
Jamie the budget is exactly 150 millions. its always 150 millions. not 155 or 149. but 150 . he he he
you really think its around 300? thats insane. will cameron force us to watch this movie in december? :)
At the very least, Avatar is a $300 million production.
if its 300 then FOX and Cameron need this