Jason Patric the reluctant villain

Jason Patric who plays the villain in next years The Losers took the part reluctantly according to an interview he did with Variety
Here's a small quote:
"Let's face it, the geeks have inherited the world, and if you want to be a player in this system, you have to be willing to do some of this," Patric acknowledged. "But I wouldn't do 'The Losers' if it wasn't interesting to me as an actor."
It seems to be that he's more or less thumbing his nose at the idea of being in a comic book movie. Which, let's not forget in the past decade or so have had some of the most critical and commercial successes in Hollywood. It was just 2008, when Iron Man and The Dark Knight seemingly raised the stakes for all to folow.
I wonder, was Speed 2: Cruise Control really all that interesting as an actor? Hopefully his seeming nonchalance toward the property doesn't affect hs performance.
Reader Comments (3)
That sounds actually like a very funny take on "the meek shall inherit the earth" It scleaqr that he is lighthearted, as well as speaking a business truth.
He is a fantastic actor.
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