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    Bryan Singer To Board 'Battlestar Galactica"

    There has been a debate amongst some of the writers on TMT as to which project Bryan Singer will step behind the lens on next. The debate isn't relegated to the contributors of this site but includes other webmasters and forums across the web. After some solid success with "Valkyrie" Bryan certainly hasn't been hiding from the spotlight. His production company, Bad Hat Harry, is producing "Freedom Formula" and "Capeshooters". The director was circling the "The Prisoners" before striking a deal with SyFy on a series involving 2012 and the Mayan Calendar. To top it off, it seems that Bryan has finally settled on his next motion picture.

    Drew McWeeny over at HitFix has the exclusive on Bryan's possible deal with Universal studios that could bring "Battlestar Galatica" to the big screen. This isn't the first time the director has been mentioned in the same breath as the sci-fi favorite. Bryan, along with Tom De Santo, were on the verge shooting "Battlestar Galatica" as a sequel to the 1970 television show when September 11th changed all of that. SyFy got cold feet about going forward with a pilot based on a "sneak attack" and feared it was still a sensitive issue to the public.

    This is a step in the right direction for Bryan. He has definitely become a genre guy and now he'll get a chance to play with his toys again. If this goes forward I can see Bryan channeling Star Trek and Star Wars and hopefully transferring his love for the genre into his work. Bryan definitely is looking to redeem himself in the eyes of geekdom after "Superman Returns". With the right story and cast, this could be an epic space adventure that even I'd be willing to see.

    Head over to HitFix for more on this exclusive, including concept art from the canceled project.

    Hitfix: Bryan Singer Boarding Battlestar Galactica For Universal

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