It's All The Rage! Jonah goes High Res too!

/film also has the high res poster for "Jonah Hex" which is clearly influenced by the poster for the Clint Eastwood classic "Unforgiven,"
See the similarities minus the hottness?
While Hex replaces William Munny in the main anti-hero pose, the molten hot Megan Fox replaces the crusty mushes of Gene Hackman and Richard Harris et al, shame that isn't it?....
Reader Comments (5)
No hottness, but more acting talent.
I'm kinda surprised his scar is front and center on the poster, I figured they'd use Brolin's face to sell the movie and make a cool reveal with the scar during an early action sequence. All that said, I quite like the poster.
They should have put Clint Eastwood on the Hex poster, might have made me more interested in the flick. Sweet poster though.
If I hadn't seen the set pics, I would have assumed someone photoshopped Fox's waist, but no, she has no hips.
Where the heck is William Sadler and why isn't he in any of these cool movies?